And what?! She DELIVERED!

We got such a glowing review and just had to share. It comes from YouTube creative Lia Lavon, her channel is designed around helping individuals get details on hair, beauty, and fashion products before even stepping foot inside a store.
What I love about Lia's Lavon’s channel is that it takes a different approach to reviewing crochet braid styles. Her personality is just a vibe. She is pleasant, transparent, and fun, and that’s why I was so excited when she was receptive to reviewing our hair. And what an amazing review it was with so much valuable feedback. You can check out her reviews below. She goes over so much, including:
Braid pattern preference
Nighttime routine hair
Durability(she wore the Mini Fro-Cee Twists for 4-weeks)
Lia also answers questions like:
Is it water friendly?
Is it active/workout friendly?
How easy/hard is the hair to install?
Is it worth the cost?(she wore the Mini Fro-Cee Twists for 4-weeks)
Check out the much anticipated review here:
Lia is amazing! She did an additional review after wearing our hair for 4 weeks! Check it out!!