Water, the gift that keeps on giving.

Happy Holidays Ladies! Wishing you and your loved ones joy and health, as we close out 2020. We are entering the peak of the colder months and wanted shed light on winter dehydration and your hair.
We all know deep down how important water is for us, for our health and well being. But how many of us keep track of how much water we drink every day?.....especially during the colder months of the year?
The truth is, you may not have realised that you haven’t had any water throughout the day, as your body’s thirst response significantly diminishes in cooler weather. It just becomes harder to notice because you are not sweating and you are feeling cool. Thus, your water intake significantly decreases.
PSA 📢📢📢: Just because you’re not thirsty doesn’t mean that you're hydrated.
Be mindful of that and drink more water to avoid the negative impacts of dehydration. Apart from water being key to our overall wellness, the health of our hair and skin have a lot to do with water intake as well. If you're not hydrated, it'll be harder to make sure your hair is.
Moreover, the exposure to the harsh cold elements and constant transition to heated indoors can zap our hair of its moisture, leading to dull hair that's more susceptible to damage. Not only are your precious hair strands at risk of breakage due to the dry, cold winter air, but scalp dryness, dandruff, can rear its ugly head during cooler months.
You can avoid all that by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Water hydrates the hair cells, makes them work the way they are supposed to. It is the main source of energy for hair cells, including the cells that generate new hair growth. Further, water removes all the toxins and pollutants, which can cause hair loss.
Apart from drinking water, be intentional with locking in fluids. You can do this through various other sources like, hydrating your hair with water-based products and avoiding excessive oils. Your daily styling should include hydrating products like our Rose Water +Lavender Oil Overnight Moisture Treatment to seal in that moisture with oil. This creates a barrier to prevent the moisture getting lost in the air.

Remember, your Hair is one of your body’s barometer! If you are dehydrated, your body signals out through your hair! Do take notice and correct yourself before it’s too late. Tip💡: Carrying a reusable water bottle is a great way to make sure you remember to drink more water.